Monday, July 5, 2010


Heh heh, I like this woman. Now that's a mean bitch right there. ------------>

DAY SEVEN was yesterday, I have officially gone a whole week with my diet and exercise. I may have screwed a few things up on the diet thing, but by God I've put my lazy self on that treadmill almost every day. And the one day I missed I made up for the next day. I did the 30 min again and that's going to be my new time. I'm also doing it at 2mph with 15 min at 2.5mph. Again, it doesn't seem like so much, but I don't want to shock my poor heart into a full blown protest or anything. I don't want to provoke an attack ha ha.

I have to be doing something right because I got the Induction Flu, BAD. I've only been nauseous once (I don't care what the dictionary says, "nauseated" is NOT a fucking word, it sounds butt country stupid) but I've had the headaches, some chills, pounding in my ears like what I get when I skip my Lexapro, mood swings, and the general bleh feeling. I thought it was all caffeine withdrawal, but when I got real bad dizzy I went researching. I was kinda worried because of my heart and the diabetes, but it's really common and pretty much means I'm doing something right. Awesome. Now can I get to the part where I wake up and feel like a million billion bucks?

Another good thing is my 18yr old son is sort of limited too. I live with my mother right now, and she has some things stashed in her room but he's the "out of sight out of mind" type. He can only get healthier this way. Until I move out at least.

I'm trying to move to the beach where there are jobs and fun things to do. There are no jobs here and absolutely nothing to do. Unless you're interested in smoking crack or spitting tobacco, then you're all set. I hope to move my family with me as soon as I can, but he's got people helping him with school and a job in the area right now and she has a job.

(sigh) Maybe it's just time I cut all the apron strings in this house and took off to be a grown up all by myself again, I just don't want to leave them to rot in this pit of despair.

Anyway, love to you all. Pass it on.

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